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Der Praxisbezug ist ein wesentlicher Aspekt des Studiums. Die Studierenden ab­solvieren obliga­ torisch 21 Wochen Praktika in wich­ tigen Bereichen der Produktions- und Medienwirtschaft und erfüllen in min- destens zwei Hochschulfilmen die Funktion des Produk­tionsleiters oder Produzenten. Zum Abschluss des Grundstudiums ist selbstständig eine medienwirtschaft­liche Arbeit zu ver­ fassen. Als Diplomarbeit zum Ende des Studiums muss ein detaillierter Businessplan erstellt werden. Department V, Production and Media Economics The study course in the field of ­production focuses on three key­ stones: 1. Search for ideas and story de­velopment on up to the finished screenplay – Courses range from classical dramaturgy to new associative narrative techniques, including screenwriting and film analysis. 2. Financing – Includes business ­administration, specialized book- keeping, film management and background knowledge in media, contract, labour and copyright law. 3. Filming: a) Pre-production ­(preparation), organization and planning of a film. b) Physical ­production and execution with ­ focus on film management, control- ling and all professions involved in film production. c) Post-production (completion), with focus on techni- cal aspects of image and sound ­editing leading to the final print. Media economics focuses on marketing and film sales as well as figuring out the relation between production costs and receipts. ­Students are familiarized with the structures of the German media economy, public-service and ­commercial TV, the video industry, film distributors and world sales companies, indispensable know- ledge for calculating finance. Representatives of successful ­production companies talk about the problems and practice of ­production in workshops, using ­examples of films. Students learn the complex laws of supply and demand and study profiles of TV stations and the preferences of their target audiences. Similar ­questions apply to the film industry. Here students discuss which films can be made for which audience and what concepts and film lengths are conducive to cinema distri­ bution. Despite all enthusiasm for the story, profitability must never be lost sight of. The expected audience figures and the budget of a project have to fit together. In brief: thoughts about the content can never be separated from economic constraints.
