W&V Kolumne: die EDEKA-Kampagne „#issso wie der, der du sein willst“ – unter der Lupe von Philine von Sell
EDEKA möchte sich mit der Kampagne „#issso wie der, der...
A company’s communication is a matter of expressing attitude and personality. To provide credible communication solutions, the Circle of Values is not guided by artificial worlds and contrived messages, but by reality.
The expression of sustainability and values must differentiate itself deliberately from traditional advertising to be perceived as such at all. If it does not and it is turned into a marketing tool, one risks that the serious commitment and awareness of a company will not be received as trustworthy.
Whether strategic reorientation, leadership or generational change, restructuring, anniversaries, merger or acquisition – sensitive, attentive and accurate communication is paramount especially for critical transformation and change processes. At this vital stage it is important to establish identification, provide motivation, shape new values and actively set respective actions in motion.
EDEKA möchte sich mit der Kampagne „#issso wie der, der...
Der Audi Super-Bowl-Spot 2017 drückt dramaturgisch und visuell etwas anderes...